I was told that I had ADHD as a child, but from what I have found out I also had anger issues. I also had learning problems. I don't know what all was done to treat this since this was in the 70's and I am now 50 years old. I have no memory of much of my childhood and I only know things that my sisters have told me. I still have many issues and I would like to know if there are any treatments that help adults with these issues because they didn't go away with age. Some days I think I'm loosing my mind. I have been on an antidepressant but it doesn't seem to work because I still have these issues. I can control them until I get home and then I loose it. My husband tries to help but he doesn't understand how. If you could give me some insight to this and how l can get treatment for this it would mean the world to me and my life. Thank you for taking time to read this.
Yes, it's not unusual that many adults in their 50's were not diagnosed as children with ADHD, learning problems, or anger overload. More children are getting help today than in the past. But adults today can also get help for these issues. I would recommend you meet with a psychologist who works with issues like ADHD and anger overload. You can ask the doctor who has prescribed the medication who he/she would recommend, or you could call your state's psychological association for a referral in your area.
The three issues you mention--ADHD, anger overload, and learning problems--can occur together and each one can impact the other. For example, people with ADHD are sometimes impulsive, so that when they get frustrated it can be harder to stop and think before saying something they later regret. Learning problems often co-exist with ADHD and can cause frustration and anger. Children and adults who have trouble writing or reading for example can get frustrated when faced with a writing task in school or on their job. A psychologist can help you strategize about how to deal with any of these possible issues.
My anger overload workbook can help with anger issues. While written with children and teens in mind, most of the exercises and strategies can be used by adults as well. It is available online at Amazon.
Best to you, Dave Gottlieb, Ph.D.