Saturday, March 24, 2018

Risk Taking and Anger Overload in 3 yr olds

Dr Gottlieb,

I'm writing to thank you for your research and work regarding this subject. My wife and I have a very sweet and generally well-behaved 3 year old girl, who's been presenting "anger overload" behavior exactly as you describe in this article you authored in November. 

What really then took my breath away was this passage, which again described her almost perfectly:

these children are sometimes risk takers. They enjoy more physical play than their peers and like taking chances in playground games or in the classroom when they feel confident about their abilities. Other children are often in awe of their daring or scared of their seemingly rough demeanor. Perhaps most interesting is that these very same risk takers can be unsure of themselves and avoid engaging in other situations where they lack confidence.

This personality trait "fit" is uncanny! 

I've ordered your books on the subject, and look forward to reading them. We also plan to see a child therapist, as she has become disruptive at school and home when upset.  Do you have any recommendations for therapists?

Hi, you want a therapist who meets with children and with parents.  For younger children, parents are the main change agent.  That is, you will implement the strategies described in my parents' manual that will help your child develop better self control.  That is why meeting with the therapist without your daughter will be important.

For older children and teens, both parents and children can implement changes.  For children 8 years and older, I recommend the Anger Overload Workbook.  Both the workbook and the parents manuals are available online at book sellers like Amazon and Barnes and Noble.  Also, you may find some of the advice I've given to parents on this blog useful for you and your daughter.

Best, Dr. Dave Gottlieb   

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